How To Expand Your Reach on Facebook | Social Media Help | COSO MediaDo you ever look at where you company is now and where you want it to be in the future? I sure hope so! On the insights page on your company Facebook, you have the number of total likes and the number friends of fans. The number of friends of fans are the number of people you have the potential to reach directly through your current likes. Here are some ways in which you can increase your total likes by using the friends of fans number.

Page Suggestions

If you are an admin to the page, or simply like your company page you can share it. You can either click on invite friends from build audience tab, or click share under the page’s cover photo. You can share with all your friends, as well as suggest that your current followers share your page. Well, how do I get my current followers to share my page to their friends? You need to make it worth their while. You can do this through compelling content that is only on your Facebook page, or you can have a promotion if they share your page. It is hard to track what new likes came from who, so be careful if you take the second approach. Just keep in mind that your followers can’t help you if you don’t ask. Try just asking people to share your page to their friends and go from there.

Page Badge

This is to attract people that may or may not be friends with someone who already likes your page. The “Find us on Facebook” badge helps promote your Facebook page right off your website. You can also add “like” and “share” buttons on things you post to encourage people to re-post your content. People will be more likely to re-post your articles if you have those buttons then if they have to post a link themselves. Make it easier for your followers to share your content, and they probably will.

Those That Care, Share 

Have content that your consumers will want to share. If people that currently like your page care about your content, they will share it. When they share it their friends will see it. The more friends that see it, the more your name gets out there. The more your name gets out there, the more likely people will be to like your page. Focus on your content and what your current consumers want, and it will attract more consumers to your page.

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