Are you unhappy with the amount of likes your most recent post received? Sometimes companies are too close to a situation to realize what they could improve on, so it is time for some honest self-reflection. Now is the time to be honest with yourself to figure out what are good and bad habits to develop online. There are a few things that could be causing the low engagement on your page.
You’re saying a lot, yet nothing at all. In the real world no one likes to be around someone where all they do is talk about themselves, and the social world is no different. If you are constantly posting information about new products or services and nothing else, people will think you’re just trying to sell them. Fortunately for you, this problem is a quick fix. Post things that your followers will find interesting that relate to your company, product, service or industry. You want to do just more than increase likes, you want to establish and build relationships so people see you as a trusted resource.
You aren’t a regular. This is another mistake that companies often make. If you only post when you feel like it, people may forget you’re even there. Consistency gets rewarded in the eyes of consumers. You want to be posting on a regular basis– bonus points if you create a topic that you post about on a certain day of the week. Your main goal should be on engagement, and topics are a great way to keep people coming back to your page at least once a week.
You aren’t sure where you should be. Okay, this one is a little more tricky to get the hang of. Just because there are a million and one social sites out there doesn’t not mean that you should be on all of them. You need to go where your target audience is. What sites are they on? What do they find interesting and post? Also think about what you have to offer. If you are law office, should you really be on a social site that is image dominant? Now if you are a photographer that would make perfect sense! There is really no definite right or wrong answer; it is just a matter of which one would best suit your company and target audience.
You’re wishing and hoping, not measuring. You may have found something to be really awesome and posted it, but that doesn’t mean your audience felt the same way. Pay attention to your analytics on your social platforms to see what people really respond to. Are they usually text dominant, links, or photos? Is it information from your site or a third party? What topics do they find interesting? Also be mindful that the time of day that you post something plays a small factor in how many people it reached.
There may be other things going on causing your low likability, but these were some of the common mistakes made. Keep these four things in mind before making your next post and see how things change on your page.