B2B Social Media Marketing StatsSocial media isn’t just for teens and B2C companies, it can also be beneficial for B2B businesses as well. Social media marketing helps promote brand identity to establish credibility and professionalism. It is also a great place to network!

It is one thing to just talk about it, but we have statistics to support it as well. There are more B2B marketers using social media sites than ever before! In fact, Twitter alone brings in 82% of social media leads.

B2B on social sites


For 2013, roughly 56% of marketers plan on increasing their budgets on social media spending. Their top marketing goals are geared towards brand awareness, customer retention, and demand generation.

Top Marketing Goals

So Why Is Social Media Important in B2B?

Business need social media in order to interact and network with each other. They can use social media for: branding and SEO, personal connection with customers, employee collaboration, building trust, creating relevance, and generating authority.  Being social could make all the difference between getting your foot in the door and still waiting out on the curb.

top marketing goals



sources: thenextweb.com, forbes.com,clickz.com, emarketer.com,socialmediab2b.com, mediabistro.com,btobonline.com,socialmediachimps.com

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