Digital Media Marketing Myths Busted

A wise person once said: “Don’t believe everything you hear”. There are several rumors going around about digital marketing and we are here to set the record straight. Here are some of the most common myths about digital marketing and consider them busted. Myth # 1- Email Marketing Does Not Work  There has been much…

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Building Your Company Brand on Google+

With Google+ becoming the second largest social network only trailing behind Facebook, it has become too big to ignore. Google+ should definitely be part of your social strategy. If you are not sure how to get your company started, then listen closely. There are several things you can do on Google+ once you get the…

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Why You Need a Mobile Web Strategy

People are searching on mobile, and people are searching on desktop, but they are not searching the same way on both. The majority of the time when a person is on a mobile device is in the morning, on the go and at night. During normal work hours (9 to 5) is the only time…

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Man of Steel–Digital Marketing Done Right

The new Man of Steel movie reached $128 million at the box office this past weekend, setting a new June record with the help of some strong marketing tactics. It has always been a struggle to estimate how big of a crowd a movie will bring in. Warner Bros. predicted only $75 to $80 million at…

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Lexus Takes Advantage of Trending Topic on Twitter

The early bird catches the worm is a phrase that should not be underestimated. Recently, Kanye West’s new album: Yeezus was leaked and people on Twitter were talking about it like crazy. It was not long before #Yeezus was trending on Twitter as well as other social networks. Lexus jumped on the opportunity to market…

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Lessons in Marketing from Arrested Development

We have to admit, when COSO Media heard the news of the return of one of our favorite shows, Arrested Development, we were ecstatic! Although the popular TV series has been off the air since 2006, the fourth season came back in true Bluth style. After watching a few of the new episodes, we realized…

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How To Break Through The Noise

In a study done by Nokia, they found that people check their phone roughly 150 times a day, averaging out to be once every six-and-a-half minutes. The fact that people are constantly interacting with their phones is not a bad thing for marketers, so long as you are using this to your advantage. The marketing…

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Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Testimonials

When you are trying to get customers to leave your business testimonials/reviews on your Google Places Page, website, Facebook, etc. what do you do? Do you ask them kindly to talk about the service you provided with them after completing a project or purchase? Or do you bribe them with a special offer or discount?…

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How Social Media Can Improve Your SEO

You know how people say a pot of water being watched takes forever to boil? The affect your social media strategy has on your SEO strategy is the same way. Even if you do not receive instant gratification from your Facebook posts, tweets, or pins that does not mean that nothing is brewing under the…

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Why SEO Is Like a Car Engine

Once you turn your engine on, it runs all by itself. Sure it sometimes makes weird noises and you need to get it looked at, or you need to get the occasional tune up, but as long as it is running properly you are in good shape. For the most part all an engine needs is…

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